Intersection Counts

Turning Movement Counts

Our Automated Turning Movement Counts capture vehicle turning movements at an intersection during pre-defined intervals (15-minute intervals are most common) during peak hours or periods of interest. Pedestrian movements and heavy vehicle percentage are also included in our Turning Movement Counts.  Pedestrian movements are the number of pedestrians conflicting with each intersection approach.  Turning movement counts are used for capacity analysis, signal timing, and signal warrant studies.   

Starting in 2013 a video of each intersection will be included as part of our full service turning movement counts at no additional charge. 

C J Hensch offers a truly auditable turning count movement solution.

We have the ability to deploy and capture very large corridor projects and take a snapshot of data which reduces time for back end analysis.  Whether it is 1 or 100 we can accommodate without any sacrifice in quality.

Robust Reporting.  Flow checking made easy.